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1-oz. | Back Date | Gold American Buffalo

NOTE: High demand is currently making delays of 10-14 days possible.

The 1-oz. American Buffalo Coins are unique as the first ever 24 karat Gold Coins minted by the U.S. Mint. The American Buffalo Gold Coins are official legal tender struck at the U.S. Mint in West Point. They bear all the official coin designations like: United States of America, Liberty, E Pluribus Unum, and In God We Trust. They exhibit their Gold weight and content as well as a $50 face value.

Volume Pricing

QtyCheck or WireCredit Card or PayPal
1 - 9$3,214.18$3,339.41
10 - 19 $3,206.15 $3,331.07
20 - 99 $3,198.12 $3,322.72
100+ $3,182.04 $3,306.02

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The American Buffalo Coins are unique as the first ever 24 karat Gold Coins minted by the U.S. Mint. The American Buffalo Gold Coins are official legal tender struck at the U.S. Mint in West Point. They bear all the official coin designations like: United States of America, Liberty, E Pluribus Unum, and In God We Trust. They exhibit their Gold weight and content as well as a $50 face value.
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