Why Platinum Coins and Bars are a Good Investment

Platinum bars and coins are very popular with precious metals investors. However, they only represent a small portion of most collector and investor’s portfolios. “Platinum investment makes up less than 10% of annual demand for the rare metal.” This is partially because platinum demand outstrips the supply. Nevertheless, investors and collectors alike know why platinum coins and bars are a good investment. test
Platinum is considerably rarer than gold. It is harder to mine than gold and it is also found deeper in the Earth's core. In fact, it is considered the rarest metal of all! This is due to the short supply and broad demand. For these reasons many people believe platinum offers a lucrative investment opportunity.
According to the World Platinum Investment Council platinum remains heavily undervalued compared to gold and palladium. We encourage investors to take a close look to see platinum's deep discount set side to side with gold and palladium. Compelling demand growth potential is also why platinum coins and bars are a good investment. "Platinum demand in the first quarter of 2021 continued the very positive growth trends of the preceding two quarters." Additionally, there was also a strong recovery with supply from mines. This is because the mines are once again able to operate fully after COVID protocols were implemented.
2021 (1-oz.) Platinum American Eagles
Feel free to call and talk to one of our Platinum Advisors. Be sure to take advantage and purchase the new 2021 1-oz. Platinum American Eagles. They are .9995 pure platinum and considered legal tender of the United States. The obverse of the coin features the John Mercanti design of a forward-looking Lady Liberty. The reverse of the coin features a bald eagle with wings extended outward revealing a truly impressive wingspan. Please call us at 1-866-918-1480 for availability.