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CC Morgan Silver Dollar | Brilliant Uncirculated
NOTE: Supply is extremely limited and subject to sell-out. Please call 1-800-928-6468 for live updates on availability.
We came across a small group of Carson City Morgan Dollars in mint condition ranging in date from 1882 to 1884. Each coin in this release is guaranteed to be in Brilliant Uncirculated condition and have the shiny, white appearance that you see pictured here.
If you're looking for a relatively affordable, beautiful "CC" Morgan, you should take a few of these while we have them. Interested in a three-coin set? Just give us a call at 1-800-928-6468 or order three online and mention that you'd like a set in the comments section.
Volume Pricing
Check or Wire | Credit Card or PayPal |
$391.02 | $406.25 |