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Chilean Silver Fifty Centavo | SS Central America
Each of these Chilean Silver Fifty Centavos have been salvaged from the S.S. Central America Shipwreck of 1857 and certified with the grade of "shipwreck effect" by NGC.
Each coin is handpicked from the Pascual Esquerra shipment contained in the Gold Room of the steamship.
This design of Chilean Fifty centavos were issued from 1853-1862 and contain .3617 oz. of pure silver. Each coin depicts a heraldic eagle and date on the obverse along with a shield, olive wreath, and "50 C" on the reverse.
Phenomenal shipwreck collectible of remarkable quality. Supplies are limited.
Pascual Esquerra's Tragic Tale - Austin Rare Coins Blog
Volume Pricing
Check or Wire | Credit Card or PayPal |
$478.03 | $496.65 |