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Cyzicus Electrum Stater 'Hound on Tunny' NGC CHVF 4x4
Absolutely amazing coin and desirable by so many types of collectors, as far as we know this is the earliest depiction of a domesticated animal on human coinage. Struck around 2,550 years ago this 17-gram electrum full stater depicts a hound running left in lifelike fashion atop the totem animal for Mysia, the tunny (tuna fish).
If you're looking for an amazing piece of history and a truly rare artifact to put away for a while, this is a tough item to beat. We love the value found in the earliest of all coinage: electrum.
Electrum is what coins were made of starting 650 B.C.--it is a naturally occurring mixture of gold and silver and could be found in and around streams and riverbeds. The coin shown is the exact coin you will receive.
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