5 Tips for Buying Gold Coins

The allure of gold is a powerful one, especially when it comes to coins. Some people like to get their hands on gold coins as an investment, a way of either protecting themselves from an unstable financial market, or as a means to pay for part of a future investment. Others simply love either the process of collection, or use coins as a way to appreciate history and their place in it.

But the process of buying gold coins can be a little complex. Read on for 5 things to keep in mind.

  1. Coins recovered from the remains of nautical disasters are a rarity. That’s why shipwreck coins have more value than coins that come from other places. Sometimes sellers might “forget” to mention that with pricing. Do your homework about the history of a coin you’re interested in before making an offer.

  2. Along similar lines, one of the reasons for the higher value of shipwreck coins is their packaging. If they are in the original packaging, the value goes up. But if the coins have been re-packaged, the value can drop.

  3. The value of a coin isn’t always dependent on the condition. Just because a coin is shiny, it doesn’t mean it is automatically worth more. Scarcity is more of an indicator of value than shininess.

  4. Before buying a coin, it’s important to make sure you’re not getting ripped off. Published price guides of coins aren’t always accurate. A better indicator of the true value of a coin is to check the amount it last sold at during auction. Also, is the coin you want genuinely rare? If not, you could be overpaying.

  5. Speaking of scarcity, coins made prior to 1879 tend to be rare, no matter what condition they’re in. Coins made after 1879 are more common, so their value is reflected more upon the condition the specific coin is in.