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French 20 Franc Angels (1871 - 1898)

NOTE: Supply is limited and subject to sell-out. Please call 1-800-928-6468 for live updates on availability.

French Angels, and all French 20 Francs, see consistent demand from a variety of gold buyers thanks to their attractive combination of characteristics. Their smaller size (.1867-oz. or about 1/5th of an ounce) and better pricing than modern fractional gold coins like 1/10-oz. American Eagles make them an obvious choice for those that either prefer smaller gold coins or like adding some fractionals to their 1-oz. gold coin holdings.

Last struck in 1898, the supply of Gold French Angels is naturally fixed and limited in contrast to all modern bullion coins that are struck in large numbers annually which adds extra profit-potential. Many gold owners want at least a small portion of “barter-gold” (fractional coins ideal for use as money) for peace of mind in case of an emergency scenario where coins like the 1/5-oz. French 20 Francs would be critical.

French Angels are delivered in lightly circulated condition as would be expected given their age. Each coin is about the size of a modern penny. Mint Rolls of 50 are available for larger orders.

Volume Pricing

QtyCheck or WireCredit Card or PayPal
1 - 19$599.04$622.38
20 - 39 $596.05 $619.27
40 - 99 $593.05 $616.16
100+ $590.06 $613.05

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>Want to learn more about our Multi-Tier Gold & Silver Portfolio?: How to Build a Balanced, Diversified Portfolio

>Learn more about European Gold Bullion Coins like French 20 Franc Roosters here: Understanding European Gold Bullion

  • Date: Struck from 1871 – 1898. Orders are completed with the random dates based on inventory.
  • Weight: .1867-oz. or about 1/5-oz.
  • Denomination: 20 Franc
  • Purity: .900-fine or 22-kt.
  • Grade: About-Uncirculated quality
  • Dimensions or Diameter: 21-mm in diameter and 1.3-mm thick
  • Obverse design: An Angel writing the constitution surrounded by a small rooster and inscriptions including the name of the designer.
  • Reverse design: Denomination and date surrounded by a wreath and inscriptions.
  • Packaging: Singles in coin flips. Mint Rolls of 50-coins.
  • IRA Eligible: No
  • Non-reportable: Yes
  • Great History: The story of “Lucky" French Angels began during the Reign of Terror when the coin’s designer, Augustin Dupré, was about to be executed on the guillotine. As he knelt beneath the deadly blade, he took his Lucky Gold Angel coin out of his pocket and rubbed it for luck as he said a quick prayer. Instantly, a bolt of lightning struck nearby and panicked the crowd of onlookers. His execution was halted and six months later he was freed. All his life, Dupré claimed his "Lucky" French Angel coin had saved him and so the legend was born.
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