Looking for a Particularly Unique Rare Coin?
If you’re a collector of rare coins, you’ve probably heard about American silver eagles, Roman gold coins, and even shipwreck silver. Building a collection that is both unique and interesting is something that many collectors take pride in. At Austin Rare Coins, it is our mission to help each and every one of our customers to find the coins that they need to round out and enhance their collections, building something that they can be proud of.
Perhaps you’ve been looking for rare coins that are particularly unique in order to set your collection apart from the rest. If that’s the case, then today’s post is for you. What are these unique coins, you ask? Keep reading to find out!
The Lunar Gold Coin Series
The Lunar Gold Coin Series is sure to pique your interest, and that is particularly true in the case of the 2 oz. - 2018 Gold Australian Year of the Dog Coin. Collecting coins means that many people take an interest in coins from specific eras and locations, so if you’re looking to add something unique to your own collection, this is the perfect way to do it. Coins from the Lunar Gold Coin Series are released by The Historic Perth Mint in Australia and they have been minting coins for nearly 120 years.
Known around the world for the quality of their work and the purity of the coins they produce, The Perth Mint has really outdone itself this year. If you’ve heard of the Lunar Coin Series before, it has likely been awhile since you’ve come across one of the coins from this series. Started initially in 1996--over two decades ago--Series I featured coins based on the lunar calendar of China. Continuing on with this series in 2017, we are now being treated to Series II with their Year of the Dog Coins.
What You Should Know About These Rare Coins
If Series II is anything like Series I was, you won’t want to hesitate to purchase your Lunar Gold Coins because they are expected to become tricky to find in a relatively short period of time. In other words, if you’d like to add a coin from this series to your collection, there is no time like the present. Available in 2 oz., 1 oz., ½ oz., ¼ oz., and 1/10 oz. varieties, the Year of the Dog Coins are also joined by the Year of the Rooster coins.
Additionally, if you would prefer silver coins to their gold cousins, we are also offering the Lunar Silver Coin Series to our customers. Regardless of which variants you choose to add to your own personal collection, we think that these coins are some that you will treasure for years to come.
Our Team is Here to Help
At Austin Rare Coins, we know that tracking down the perfect coin to suit your needs can sometimes feel too tricky to handle on your own. What we want you to know is that we’ll always be here to provide you with the help that you need. Have a question about the Australian Lunar Coins that were the subject of today’s post? Feel free to give us a call at 1-800-928-6468 because we’d love to chat with you. Need some information on one of the other coins you see on our site? Have another question entirely? We’re always here to help.
As a matter of fact, we have been in business for nearly three decades with a perfect Better Business Bureau rating of A+ and we have conducted over one billion dollars in trusted transactions. That means that no matter what you’re looking for, you can put your trust in us to help you find it. We have worked with tens of thousands of clients over the years and we would love nothing more than to help you meet your goals for collecting coins.
You can also consult our mobile app which is now available for download for Apple devices in the App Store and for Android devices in the Google Play store. This app allows you to keep track of what’s going on with the market, ensuring that you are always a step ahead and allowing you to make the best possible decisions. Download it today!