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1-oz. Platinum Bars - Our Choice of Brand & Design

NOTE: High demand is currently making brief delays of 3-5 days possible.

Platinum is over 20 times rarer than gold yet trading for less which leads wise investors to see an undervalued opportunity and add platinum to their gold and silver portfolio. Bars and coins are both popular options for platinum bullion investment.

Some buyers prefer the coins which are struck by government-run mints while others choose the privately struck bars simply for their lower price per ounce. We handle Platinum Bars from all major manufacturers each of which contain one ounce of platinum that’s .999-fine or higher (24-kt).

To offer a further discount and help expedite processing with the tight supply of platinum, we complete bar orders with the quickest available, thus “our choice”. Rest assured that all platinum bars will be of top quality from reputable brands like Valcambi, Argor-Heraeus, Credit Suisse, Pamp, Scotia, and Baird.

If you prefer a specific brand, please call us at 1-800-928-6468 to discuss availability. As always, we’re also here for all your platinum questions and to offer the best discounts for large personal check or bank wire orders.

Volume Pricing

QtyCheck or WireCredit Card or PayPal
1 - 9$1,058.20$1,099.43
10 - 19 $1,047.61 $1,088.43
20+ $1,037.04 $1,077.44

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9AM-5PM Central


Ask for check, wire, and quantity discounts!

  • Manufacturer: Bars are struck by a variety of reputable private mints from which we choose the quickest available. Brands include Valcambi, Argor-Heraeus, Credit Suisse, Pamp, Scotia, and Baird.
  • Weight: 1-oz.
  • Purity: .999-fine or higher
  • Obverse/reverse designs: Vary by manufacture, but generally include brand name and logo, weight, purity, and often serial numbers.
  • Packaging: The manufacturers issue platinum bars with and without assay cards. We prioritize those packaged in cards, but our stock varies. If assay cards are your preference, please call us.
  • IRA Eligible: Yes
  • Non-reportable: No
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