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2025 | Red Book of Rare Coin Prices

The informative, entertaining, invaluable Red Book is the world's best-selling coin price guide.  It is in full color with 448 pages and spiral bound softcover.

The Red Book of U.S. Coins has been the top rated rare coin value reference guide for over 76 years.  We highly recommend this great book because, it has detailed year-by-year rare coin values including all U.S. rare coins ever minted, silver dollar coin prices, and rare gold coins values.

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Unlike the hardcover book versions sold elsewhere, we exclusively offer the "spiral wire bound" Red Books that collectors prefer.  As you work with your coin collection, our versions lay nice and flat making it easier to find coin values.  In recent years, listings have been added for modern coin values for commemorative, State Quarters, and American Eagle bullion coin values. 

Color Coin Photos and Specifications

This year's edition of the Official U.S. Coin price guide is now printed with more coin photos and coin price details that ever before.  If you are interested in looking up a few old coin prices, or if you have an extensive coin collection we highly recommend you check coin values in The Red Book.

#1 Selling Coin Guide

You never know, you may even discover that you have a coin in your possession worth $500, or maybe even $10,000.  The Red Book of Coin Prices is the #1 best-selling guide to U.S. rare coin values with over 23 million copies sold.  The Red Book had just been released with updated prices, order yours today. 

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