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100-oz. Royal Canadian Mint Silver Bars

NOTE: Supply is extremely limited and subject to sell-out. Please call 1-800-928-6468 for live updates on availability.

The Royal Canadian Mint (RCM) is world-renowned for quality and attention to detail and their one-hundred-ounce silver bars offer investors an extremely popular and easy way of acquiring and storing bulk silver with the added bonus of pristine eye appeal for no extra cost.

Most 100-oz. RCM silver bars have been minted in fairly recent years, so their quality and eye appeal are better than most large silver bars on the market. Also, they are thinner, wider, and longer than other bars with details laser-etched on the surfaces making them a favorite of silver buyers.

Every 100-ounce Royal Canadian Silver Bar prominently displays their weight and ultra-high purity of 999.9 fine silver to ensure easy liquidity. 100-oz. bars are one of the most cost-effective silver assets and RCM bars offer a reputation and an attractive finish.

Volume Pricing

QtyCheck or WireCredit Card or PayPal
1 - 4$3,593.41$3,733.41
5 - 9 $3,575.44 $3,714.74
10+ $3,557.47 $3,696.07

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>Want to learn more about the Silver Market?: Understanding the Silver Market

>Want to learn more about our Multi-Tier Gold & Silver Portfolio?: How to Build a Balanced, Diversified Portfolio

  • Date: Some do have dates and they will vary, so no specific dates available.
  • Mint: The Royal Canadian Mint
  • Weight: 100-oz.
  • Purity: .9999-fine
  • Dimensions: Nearly one inch thick, 7.25-inches long and 3.2-inches wide.
  • Obverse design: Varies, but generally features The Royal Canadian Mint brand name, logo, weight, purity, serial number, and sometimes the date.
  • Reverse design: Can vary, but most often there is no reverse design.
  • IRA Eligible: Yes
  • Non-reportable: No. Call for details.
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