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Silver American Eagles (Back-Dates)
NOTE: A limited amount in stock and ready to ship ASAP. Subject to sell-out. Please call 1-800-928-6468 for live updates.
Silver American Eagles are consistently one of the most popular bullion silver coins in the world. Their renowned quality and one-ounce pure silver content can always be trusted. Recognized worldwide and easy to buy and sell, Silver Eagles are the blue-chip recommendation in the silver bullion coin realm.
Orders of twenty will come in US Mint Rolls (hard-plastic tubes) and will typically be all one date. Larger orders are packaged in US Mint Boxes that hold 500 Silver Eagles. Coins sold in this section are mint condition back-dates that can range anywhere from 1986 through recent years.
If you're looking to acquire the finest and most desirable silver bullion product, you should strongly consider the Silver American Eagle. Questions? Call 1-800-928-6468 and let us help. Order online or call for larger deals and best prices.
Volume Pricing
Qty | Check or Wire | Credit Card or PayPal |
1 - 19 | $40.05 | $41.61 |
20 - 99 | $39.85 | $41.40 |
100 - 499 | $39.66 | $41.20 |
500 - 1499 | $39.45 | $40.99 |
1500+ | $39.25 | $40.78 |